How old do I have to be to become a foster parent?
Foster parents must be at least 21 years old.
Do I need to be married?
No, you can be single, married, or in a committed relationship. All adults that will be providing parenting to foster youth will have to take the TIPS-MAPP training course, married or unmarried.
Can I foster as an LGBT*QIA+ family?
YES! There is a large need for families that are able to provide a safe home for LGBT*QIA+ youth and teens, as nearly 40% of youth in foster care identify as LGBT*QIA+. We are advocates and allies to LGBT*QIA+ families that desire to become foster parents, and hope you feel safe, empowered, and supported through your foster care journey with Jenda.
Do I choose the type of children that will be placed in my home?
Jenda will assess the family's strengths and needs and match placements based on the information gathered through meetings and the home study. If there is a placement referral that we receive that could be a match for your family, Jenda Foster Care will reach out and discuss the length of placement and general information with you and your family can decide if you want to provide care!
Do I need to own the home I live in?
No, you can rent or own your property! You can live in an apartment, house, duplex, condo, and more as long as it meets the licensing standards set by DHHS. Some requirements include designated space and bed for the foster placements, lockboxes for medication, and safe storage of firearms and hazardous materials.
Can I have my own children living in my home while taking foster care placements?
Yes! The State of Nebraska mandates that there can be up to 6 total children under the age of 12 and no more than 2 children under the age of 2 (including foster children) in the licensed foster home.
What if I have a roommate or someone else that lives with me?
Jenda understands that families are structured differently and living arrangements may vary. Roommates and other people living in the home over the age of 18 must submit background checks and fingerprinting and be approved prior to the family obtaining their license.
Is my home large enough?
Nebraska's guidelines state that there must be 35 square feet of separate space per foster child. A child placed with you must also have a true bed, and cannot sleep on a couch or air mattress long-term.
Can foster children share a bedroom with my own biological children?
Yes, as long as the children sharing the space are appropriate age and gender.
Do I need to pay for daycare?
No, there is typically support for daycare costs through DHHS for foster children up to the age of 12. There are certain requirements for receiving support, so talk with a Foster Care Specialist when identifying potential daycare for your foster child.
Can foster children transfer to my local school district?
To minimize the already extensive trauma these children have faced, we try to keep the foster children in their original school district with their peers as long as possible. This may mean you need to drive a short while out of your district for school.